A Brief Doctrinal Statement of Starr Ministries
We hold to independent Baptist, doctrinal positions.
The Bible
We believe the original manuscripts were inspired by God, are infallible and inerrant, and are preserved in the Authorized Version, the King James Bible, for English-speaking people. We reject all modern Versions as error. The Bible is God’s final word in practice and faith. All Biblical quotations in our books will be taken only from the King James Bible. We neither study from nor use other English versions.
The Trinity
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are the three persons in the Godhead with different offices and functions, but with unity of purpose, attributes, and perfections. All three possess all the traits of deity, eternality, omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience, immutability, etc.
Jesus, though pre-existent in Heaven with the Father in eternity past, came to earth born of a virgin, performed miracles, lived a sinless life, shed His blood, died on the cross for our sins, was buried in a borrowed tomb, and arose the third day for our justification. Today, His ministry is intercession for us at the right hand of the Father. Soon, He will return in the clouds for us.
Fall of Man and his need of Salvation
Man was created by the direct act of God, not by an evolutionary process. Because of Adam’s disobedience in the garden, all men have sinned, cannot save themselves, and therefore, need a Saviour. We believe in a literal, burning Hell as the eternal punishment and torment of sinners who reject the Saviour, and a literal, eternal Heaven of wondrous bliss for those who accept Christ.
Jesus is the only One Who met God’s qualifications to be that Saviour. We can only be saved by grace through repenting of our sin and placing our faith and trust in Him. The salvation He gives us is eternal and cannot be taken away. We are preserved forever. Christians have the responsibility to obey His commands.
We reject Hyper-Calvinism which says that God overrides man’s will in order to save him because His grace is irresistible. We also reject Arminianism which says you can be saved and lose it. Rather, we believe God made salvation possible and made man a free moral agent to choose to accept or reject Him.
End Time Events
We are dispensationalists believing that God had different modes of dealing with men in different eras. However, He always operates by Grace. In like manner, we believe in the imminent appearing of Christ in the clouds at the Rapture of believers, the Judgment Seat of Christ for Christians, the subsequent seven-year Tribulation on earth, the return of Christ with His saints at the end of the Great Tribulation, the battle of Armageddon, the establishment of His millennial reign on earth, the loosing of satan for a season, the Great White Throne Judgment of sinners, and the New Heaven and the New Earth. We are pre-tribulational and pre-millennial.
We also believe in and practice personal and ecclesiastical separation.