Our Testimonies

Randy's Testimony
In 1960 at the age of 8, I received Christ as Savior at a camp in Hillsdale MI. 13 years later as my wife and I were praying in the new year, on January 1, 1973, I sensed the Lord’s leading me to preach His Word. I asked Him for a Scriptural confirmation and immediately saw 1 Thess. 5:24, “Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.” In July 1975, we moved to Clyde OH where for 14+ years I served alongside Pastor James Lewis in many positions including Assistant Pastor, School Principal, Youth Pastor, and Radio Station Manager. I spent one year in another ministry as a Learning Center supervisor and College Academic Dean in Conneaut, OH in 1980-81. In 1990, Mt. Zion Baptist Church called me as the sixth pastor in their thirty-one-year history. I served as their pastor until the Fall of 2013 when we launched into a full-time evangelistic ministry across America and Canada, and now the world.

Shirley's Testimony
My mother always told me I went forward as a five-year-old child to receive Christ. I could not remember doing that. However, I did remember being under great conviction and going forward at the age of nine, but no one dealt with me about salvation. So, for years I doubted my salvation and would cry at night, wondering if I was really saved. When others gave their testimonies and could point to an actual date of their salvation, I would become upset because I could not remember my new birth date. Satan constantly used this tactic to trouble me. In 1980, as young married adults, we attended a special meeting where the speaker dealt with doubting your salvation. I decided to end the torment that evening and received the full assurance of my salvation. I have not doubted since that time.
Our Family
God has given us three children, all serving the Lord in Independent Baptist churches. Chris, our pastor, and his wife, Jenny, have three children. Heidi and her husband, Dan, serve in an independent Baptist Church in northern PA/southern NY. Marcia and her husband, Bill, who are missionaries to the Philippines sent by our home church, have two children.
Our Education
In 1973, Randy graduated from Bowling Green State University with a BS in Education--a double major in Mathematics and Geography. In 1980, he finished his Master’s Degree from Bob Jones University. He took one course toward his Doctorate from Detroit Theological Seminary. In 2013. Fairhaven Baptist College conferred on him an honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree. Randy also has completed the Black Law’s Paralegal course, the Ham Radio operator’s course, and several courses on Biblical Counseling from BJU.
In 1972, Shirley completed the three-year Registered Nursing course from Toledo Hospital School of Nursing and passed her boards. Her license is still current as she takes continuing education units. In 1980, she passed 25 credits, mostly in Bible and Education, toward her Bachelor’s degree from (now defunct) Ohio Bible College, Conneaut OH.
Our Hobbies & Preferences
In our spare time, Shirley and I love reading, good music, writing, hiking, 4WDing, disc golf, working puzzles and jigsaw puzzles, and shopping at Walmart.
Our preferences include favorite places to eat LUNCH: Chipotle, Wendys, Red Robin, Subway salad, Culvers; SUPPER: Amish Family Restaurants (for fresh vegetables, etc.), Steak house; and our favorite HOTEL: Comfort Inn, Hampton Inn, Best Western Plus, Holiday Inn Express, Spring Hill Inn, Drury Inn, or Hilton.
Suggested Types of Meetings
Our 3-fold goal is found in Ephesians 4:11-12: To Evangelize, Edify, and Equip.
Therefore, with our background, training, experience, and goals, we can assist a local church by:
- Revivals
- All Day services & Special Days
- Bible Conferences
- Missions Conferences
- Marriage/Family Conferences & Couples’ Retreats
- Thematic preaching on almost any topic, esp. Family training, The End Time Events, Pentecostalism, The Church, Great Doctrines, Discipleship, Separation, Finances & Budget, etc.
One very effective meeting was a Saturday, 9:30 to 3:00 Family Conference where the pastor invited 5-15 other churches to join them. Folks from 11 churches came and packed the church. (The small home church provided a sack lunch & children's care.) I spoke at 1-2 general sessions, we had 1-2 split sessions, and a session of skits about husband-wife relationships. Then, on Sunday, I preached all day in that church. It's a two-day meeting with maximum impact if other churches come.
We can train men, women, parents, workers, Sunday School teachers, and Christian School students and teachers. Randy can preach in the chapels of Christian schools and colleges. Shirley can speak at ladies’ meetings or mother-daughter banquets in churches where Randy is preaching. Often, the Pastor asks us to come for Shirley to address ladies at a Sat. luncheon or a split ladies' Sunday School class while Randy is teaching the men.
We have a booktable of 110+ resources including 40+ books we have written which also opens doors to minister to God's people. (Randy used to play trombone and Shirley the Mellophone, French Horn, and Trumpet, but we have retired them.)
Pastor, if you have a special need, don't hesitate to contact us to discuss booking a meeting. We try to book our meetings 18 months ahead, though occasionally we have an open date here and there. You can call, text, or email me.