As I care for my loving husband in a less than enjoyable time in our lives, I have been gaining strength and perspective from your book, Comfort for the Caregiver. It's been offering me peace and comfort and showing me where to find the truths I need. I'm reading it over and over along with my Bible. Your book has found a place beside my bed for quick reference. Thank you for your encouragement in this time of our lives.
We are so very grateful for all your diligent study to write these books. They have helped me grow spiritually. (Pastor's wife)
We enjoyed every lesson so much! Thank you. I loved, loved, loved your study and I learned so much. Thank you for all your efforts in making your books available to us Christian ladies. I learned so much and was very blessed by this study. Thank you for the lessons we have been studying. They were a great blessing! Thank you, Shirley, for the lessons on the Women of the Bible. I really enjoyed it. I enjoy learning about the ladies in the Bible. It helped me to put it into perspective by understanding the way they lived their lives. Thank you, Shirley, for the time you spent writing these books. (ladies in the MD ladies' Bible Study)
I have read your book on the KJV Bible. This book was an eye-opener. I knew some Bibles, faiths, and churches were outrageous, but I didn't know how much until I read your book. I am adding this book to our library to tell others. If I knew this as a lost sinner, I would have walked away. Your book is excellent and I thank you. May God bless you and keep you safe.
I just finished book one. I greatly enjoyed it. I found the elevation differences even though I know it was a very minor part of the book, but did include the exceeding high mountain. Most but not all of the observations were not new to me, but more of the applications were. I did as you instructed near the beginning and read every single Scripture even if I was familiar with them. That was very good and I enjoyed it a lot.
I also read almost the complete book on the KJV. I find that very helpful. No surprise to me was that there are really only two Bibles: Either a New Testament Bible based on the Textus Receptus or the multiplicity of Bibles NOT based on the TR.
We sure enjoy the books, kids' books, and study guides that you have written! We like giving many of them to our grandkids. We are thankful the Lord has used you in this way to write and publish these and make them available for us and others! (church member, UT, 2023)
Your ministry is a blessing to us, and many of you and your wife's books have encouraged and helped me through some of the hardest times in my life. (church member, UT, 2023)
I've always appreciated your very practical way of teaching and preaching and your books have been so helpful. We look forward to having you again. (church member, UT, 2023)
Your book hits this practice out of the park. You demonstrated very well the Biblical basis for it, the practical applications of it, and the warnings that accompany it. Just purely excellent - lots of Bible, illustrations, personal testimonies, excellent outline, fonts, and presentation, all in just 50 pages (actually, 48 pages) - this is where the average "reader" is AND so, your focus of writing targets where people are and this should be very effective in reaching church goers, today. Missionary
We just received Dr. Starr's book on Fasting and just finished it. I like how you put the verses in your books. God blessed both of you with the gift of writing and helping others. We continue to pray for the Lord to use you both for His glory. (Church member & friend, PA, Aug, '23)
Just wanted to say Thank you so much for the book on Fasting. It came on the very day that I needed it as a reminder of the power of fasting. I am reading it tonight and it is so powerful. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! (Pastor in PA, Aug, '23)
Thank you for your book on Fasting. I've read it and it was so helpful, I want to order 4 more copies for my friends. (widow, CT)
Thank you for your Newsletter updates. I love your sense of humor! I enjoy the books that you have for sale. I'd buy them all if I could! The recent ones I bought I have assigned for my teenager to read for school. Blessings to you both on your travels!
This is another wonderful volume seeing God’s blessings to faithful women and the
consequences of those who disobeyed God. The stories of these women taught me many things that I cannot ignore.
I was so blessed when I read Chapter 9 about the widow, Anna. Losing a loved one is
emotionally, mentally, and physically difficult if you do not turn to God for comfort. Anna did not allow her sorrow to interfere with her relationship with God. She spent all her time serving at the temple with fastings and prayers night and day. She overpowered sorrow by serving God.
This is such a perfect way to overcome sadness. Anna talked to God. Whenever I remember my departed loved ones now, I pray to God and read the Bible. I overcome sadness by worshiping God and acknowledging Psalm 84:2 “My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God.” God hears me and ministers to me through the Bible. 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4 says that our Father in Heaven is truly the God of comfort. Glory be to the living God!
My father sent me this book and I couldn't relate more to Mrs. Starr's testimony. I can't put this book down!!! It has so much truth and perfect quotes... Every single person male or female needs this book for encouragement during rough times. This is such a great resource. Can't thank you enough!!
I just finished the book on Offerings that you wrote. Boy, it is loaded and helpful, helpful, helpful in understanding them. Nuggets! Loaded with Nuggets!! But understanding each offering is a goldmine! Thank you for writing it. Boy, it has blessed my heart, fed my soul, and opened my understanding to be able to explain it to someone else. It's another masterpiece! I've been using it as part of my devotions the last few days. It's really, really good stuff!
I've been reading Randy's book on Offerings. It's so very informative! It helps to understand so much more! He really understands the Bible.
Hello Shirley, I just finished reading your book, Grace Through Grief after the sudden and unexpected homegoing of my son. God always knows just what I need and I sure needed your book! Thank you for sharing your experience and your heart. It helped give me comfort and hope. I found myself drowning in the what-ifs and the things I would miss. You encouraged me to gird up my mind and persevere. Thank you. I look forward to the next time I see you.
We met at one of your recent meetings. Your wife recommended 2 books to my boss. My employer gladly received the two books I purchased, Comfort for the Caregiver and Anxiety & Fear. I believe she may already be saved. I awakened a faith she had as a young lady. She's had many setbacks in life. I hope I can reach my coworker. Thank you for coming to our church.
Your book ministry has been so helpful. We have been able to share several copies with others and praise God for the ways they honor the Almighty. Thank you very much.
I have to tell you, "Armageddon" was an amazing blessing to me, thank you!!
I just wanted to thank you for the rich study book, 100 Bible Lessons. It's everything you said it was and more. I'm using it in our Family devotions. Thank you again.
I’m currently reading The Place and have to say that it is a wonderful help! As a mom of two toddlers, the need for devotion time is becoming more obvious than ever before. Thank you.
My wife and I want you to know how much of a blessing your book on your cancer experience has affected us. As you may know. I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer last August 2018. God is blessing and answering prayer in major ways. We have been exceptionally blessed with our treatment. We give all the glory to Him. My wife just finished reading your book and loved it.
I was reading The Women of the Bible series and loved it. Also, Dress -A Reflection of the Heart. I love your take on it. I grew up in a Baptist home and was saved at the age of 17, but did not know really how to answer Dress questions without sounding rough. Thank you.
I talked to a Pastor in SC about this very issue and shared with him how detailed and accurate the information was in this book. He got a hold of the book and went through it, and later I asked him if he wanted me to place an order. He said yes. I then asked him how many. His answer was “50 should be fine”. To my amazement when the books arrived at his home, he took them to church that following service and just before the service began he walked up and down the aisle passing out this book to each of the ladies in the church. This Pastor said, “Thank you Bro. for your help in getting this book into our hands!”
Hello Mr. and Mrs. Starr, I read Mrs. Starr's Harmony in the Home a few months ago and have also heard my pastor mention your ministry a few times at the church I attend in Arizona. I am writing because I wanted to thank you for the blessing and wisdom I received by reading that book.
In all honesty, the harmony in my home has been a difficult thing to possess and keep, but God is working on us, and I have a blessed hope in Christ and am thankful for His grace. I would greatly appreciate your prayers for my husband and me as we have been Christians married for about a year and a half, but we have had a lot of bumps in the road. Your book has been a great blessing to me. I desire to be refreshed and renewed and am eager to create harmony in my home and keep it!
I will be in prayer for your ministry, for God's anointing on your upcoming meetings, and for protection and safety as you travel. Thank you for giving to the Lord and for taking the time to be an example and teach others the wisdom that God has given you. It is a hard thing to find but is a special blessing when it is found for a couple to write books that include the KJV of the Bible, who believe it and live it, and who are willing to share their wisdom.
Thanking the Lord for you and your obedience, "Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour." Romans 13:7
We met when you were here several weeks ago. I would like to thank you again for those messages. They have continued to challenge me in my walk with the Lord. Just thought I'd let you know that, Lord willing, I will be starting Bible school studies this September. I believe that the Lord has confirmed that He has called me to the ministry. Thanks again for encouraging me when we met, and I pray that the Lord will bless you richly.
We are both very pleased with the books we purchased. They are of great use to us and are helping us to be better prepared to in turn help others. God will surely bless you for the service you are doing for Him.
Your books are so helpful, valuable, and encouraging. I've been lent a couple and also I own a couple of them), but the ones I've been lent, I want to replace so I'm ordering more. Thank you again.
Just today I finished your book about Cancer... Praise God for His mercy in your life, Randy. I also purchased the Grace Through Grief when you were here. Reading in Ezekial today and seeing the 'refining process' the Father uses-- that we may encourage others in the trials that come.
I look forward to the Grandma publication and want to gift that to my sisters and several friends who are grandmoms. Thank you for all the Beautiful Scriptures and book contents. May your experience continue blessings as you serve the Lord you love.
I’m so glad God created you two!! I wanted to tell you, Shirley, that your books are helping save lives in Creek County jail. There is a young woman there, and she’s accepted the Lord as her Saviour; usually smiles and loves to sing—but she is going through such a depression that she’s on restriction (like a suicidal watch). I’ve no clue what she did, but she was so glad to get Clouds of Adversity, Valleys of Despair; she’d expressed an interest in Esther, so I gave her my copy of your book, Women of the Bible, v. 5 - Powerful and Prestigious. Please pray for her; So broken, so much pain and sorrow.
By the way, I wanted to tell you that Randy's oncologist in Florida, Dr. Li, ordered several copies of The Cancer Earthquake book from your website and put it in her rooms when she is here in the office. Most of the books have walked off with patients.
Dear Shirley, my hope is to return to writing in August. You, my friend, have inspired me. I see the help your books have been in the lives of the people in our church. The outreach is much farther than a few speaking meetings a year. Thank you and Brother Randy for taking the time to write books we can trust! I send my love and prayers.
I want to tell you how much I'm enjoying my books. Grandma's Touch is so sweet! A Taste of Honey is so well stated. I love it when I read something that makes me thirst for more and to dive deeper into the Word! Great job on both in my humble opinion.
Dear Shirley,
I was reading James this morning and you came so strongly on my heart! I have been thinking of you very much recently, as the Lord is using your book, Dress A Reflection of the Heart, greatly here in Okinawa! I had prayed that the Lord would specifically send ladies to me who needed help in this area. I had a friend asking for help last Wednesday. She has been saved for two years and is growing. Her eyes have been opened to the fact that she has two little girls watching and learning from her…”How do I know what is modest!?”—“Not what man says is modest, but what does God say!?” I remember those days and perhaps that is why the Lord would allow such a wretch as I to be a vessel! Praise the Lord for your book and work in touching the lives of ladies! Thank you for being such an ambassador of Titus 2!
Thanks for coming and Ministering to us so Loved and Enjoyed you both. I Loved the Clouds book got it for a friend now realize should have gotten 2 more for other friends.
Pastor Starr, You may recall that I was teaching a Sunday School series out of your book on the Prayers of Christ. I had one lesson left (the 3 prayers on the cross) when our son was born so I wasn't able to complete the series in 2015. Thankfully, our Pastor asked me to teach SS yesterday, and I took the opportunity to finish the series. I was encouraged to be reminded again of the depth of Christ's love for me that is seen in His prayers on the cross. Thank you for putting those lessons together as a resource.
Dear Shirley, It was a privilege to get to know you. Your husband's preaching was a blessing and your lesson to our ladies was also. We look forward to your newsletters.
Brother Randy: I appreciated getting your note of encouragement. It was a special blessing to have you and Shirley play in our orchestra on the Sunday evening you were here with us. I enjoyed browsing through your website. Please put my email on your list for updated information on your ministry.
To be honest, sometimes I have wondered, does it really matter? It’s hard to find modest clothes! Do I need to be set apart in this area? And then the Lord gently speaks to my heart and says yes.
Reading your book was such an encouragement. There are others that believe how we dress IS important to God, and it was a good reminder to choose my clothes wisely and prayerfully. Thank you for having the boldness to speak God’s truth, yet in a non-confrontational way. What a blessing!
Dear Mrs. Starr,
I am so thankful for your and Dr. Starr’s books! Such great material and rich for my own learning as well as lessons for my young singles Sunday School Class! [Sunday School Teacher, PA]
Dear Shirley,
I want to thank you for sending me your Starr Publications Store website. I bought your Cancer Earthquake and The Place books at the 2015 Shepherd's Retreat. They both have been a blessing to me. I like the way you each put your insight, thoughts, and what you went through in each chapter. I had a hard time putting the book down in anticipation of what the Lord did for you next! It was fitting how you likened the whole thing to an earthquake. I also enjoy the daily devotions and share them often with my three daughters. Thanks again. [Pastor's wife, PA]
Dear Shirley,
Just wanted to send you a copy of a really nice note I received from my friend J____. Her husband has brain cancer and I sent them a copy of The Cancer Earthquake. I have also given one to a friend from high school who has cancer in lymph nodes in her neck and had to have part of her tongue cut out. They both were very grateful to have the book to read.
Thank you for your ministry in writing. That book is a tool for me to use. Many times we don't know what to say to someone who is dealing with cancer, except that we are praying for them. My husband and I continue to pray for you and your ministry. [PA]
Hi Shirley! First of all, a big thanks for writing your devotional, The Place. Shirley, this is an outstanding piece of work. Giving birth to this "baby" had to be joyous and demanding and exhausting ... all rolled into one worthy effort.
Also thanks to the two of you for The Cancer Earthquake. I have several people lined up to read it. I appreciate how open and honest you were about your role as a caregiver. All of us know we can be called into that role at any time. I don't know how anyone without the Lord survives as a caregiver. As my mother's caregiver for nearly three years, I thought the total exhaustion would kill me. And here it is, thirteen years later... Happy trails to you! [OHIO]
Dr. & Mrs. Starr, Thank you for giving so much of your time in your meeting in our church in Maine to listen and encourage! It was a true blessing to fellowship with you. The preaching was both convicting and comforting and the music was a special blessing to my heart because it was done for God's Glory.
In the last two weeks, I have read three of your books. So many times it felt like my own story coming from someone else's pen! Although the circumstances were different, the feelings and fear were similar--even the Scripture that was used echoes the verses I have written in my journals! It is wonderful how God brings people into our lives who know how to say things in a way we understand. Praying for your travels. [Maine]
I have read the books, The Prayers of Christ and Clouds of Adversity, Valleys of Despair. Thank you for letting God use you--and for the wonderful fellowship last Sunday. [Maine]
Bro Starr, Thank you for being used by God to put forth Christ honoring publications and hosting others who do. It makes this much easier for us to find good materials to help us in our lives as we strive to honor and please God. [Maryland]
Dear Pastor and Mrs. Starr, I have personally been blessed by your materials. I have read some of The Women of the Bible volumes 1-5 and learned much, but plan to read them again this summer. The simple direct style in which they are penned leaves no room for questions as to the meaning. I have also read most of Rescue 911 - Spiritual Diseases and was very convicted. The truths portrayed in the book when your baby granddaughter died have been a help through some deaths of people close to me in the past few years. I also recall my dad going through The Men of the Bible during family devotions probably at least 5 years ago and I still remember Enoch walked with God and that Nimrod was a wicked rebel. My mother is currently reading your daily devotional book, The Place. All of the books are not too far over my head and are very commonsensical. Oh, I cannot forget Laugh With Lucy. I had a great time reading it and was reminded that "disasters," "blond moments," and yes, embarrassing moments" are no respecter of persons. Thank you for your books. [Student, Indiana]
In the midst of their Lymphoma journey while dad (Randy Starr) was having the chemo treatments), Dad & Mom (Shirley Starr) journaled. They did it while they were going through it so that they didn't forget anything. There are so many people who have cancer and so many caregivers of those hurting. This was something that they felt they needed to write in a book to encourage others going through a similar journey.
The Cancer Earthquake came out in late July 2015 and sells for only $9.00. If you know someone who is battling cancer, is a caregiver, or is struggling through cancer (or any crisis) yourself, I encourage you to get this book. They have shared Scriptures to encourage and so much more. God uses like-minded believers to encourage other believers. Dad & Mom are sincerely praying that this book will be a blessing and encouragement to those who read it. ♥
Shirley, my dear, your devotional is even better than I thought it would be. It is obvious you have done your homework and now, we the readers get to benefit from what you shared. Thanks for using your talent for our Lord. [Ohio]
Dear Mrs. Starr, I wanted to thank you for today's devotional in The Place. It was a real blessing to me as my morning started out well, bad, and the first words of the May 12th devotional asked just that! God aligns His perfect timing! You are such a spiritual blessing to me! Thank you for investing your time in others. I pray that the Lord rewards you immensely! [Japan]
Prayers of Christ Bro. Starr, your book, Prayers of Christ, truly helped me in a renewed dedication to my prayer life. In seeing through Scripture the importance of prayer surrounding or encompassing ALL I do, I approach prayer in a different way. God has used your book to teach me a closeness to God in prayer I've never known before. Thank you. [New York]
Dear Bro and Mrs. Starr, My wife and I finished working through your book, Harmony in the Home, as a component of our Family Time (family devotions). We are excited to have our first child this year and appreciate your encouragement to get the books that have been helpful to us and will continue to be a great resource, I'm sure
Hello Mrs. Starr. I want to tell you what a blessing your Bible study books have been to me. Knowing what all goes into writing, I appreciate the careful study you have put in--especially the Women of the Bible 5-volume series. Several times they have spoken to my heart and also have been an encouragement to me.
Dear Shirley, During a time of trial in my life, when I thought that God was done with me, a friend gave me your book, volume 3 subtitled, "Helpless and Hurting." God reminded me that His Word was the answer to every situation we face. Thank you for letting God use you to write books on this desperately needed topic. Satan would have us stay in our depressed moods and remain useless to God. But God cares about us, understands us, and loves us.
Dear Bro. and Mrs. Starr, My husband and I just read The Prayers of Christ. We are both amazed at the wonderful truths and the revelation in His Very Own Prayers. I came away with a new and amazing sense of closeness and understanding of my Lord Jesus. I felt loved by His prayers in a way no human can express love. God bless you both.
Dear Bro. Starr, I just started teaching the Young Adults Sunday School class in our church. I plan to start a series soon to work through your book, The Prayers of Christ.
Dear Shirley, I have to tell you how the Lord has been working in my life, largely, because of you and one of your books.
Our Pastor had asked the prospective choir members not to wear pants for any church affairs. He said he wasn't telling us what to wear in our private lives. Although I had privately thought that pants were a lot more modest than the skirts that some of the ladies were wearing while we were working on the church. I agreed to do it.
My mother used to tuck her skirt up in her underpants when she scrubbed the floor on her hands and knees, and I did not like to see her doing that. That picture stayed with me as I had my 6 children and played with them on the floor, on my hands and knees, picked up a million toy pieces, and worked around the house. Pants were the uniform of my days, although I did wear dresses to church until pantsuits came out.
Then I started attending our Baptist (the last church I thought I would ever attend, having been raised AG) and I saw that many of the women wore skirts. I still thought I would be more modest in my pantsuits if I fell, (had several surgeries by then) than they would be in a skirt. I did enjoy wearing the long skirts for church but still felt that they were not practical at home. From time to time, I would notice how nice some of the ladies at church looked but I still balked.
Every once in a while, I would get this little niggling thought about wearing pants, but I would tell myself, they aren't tight, at my age, they are certainly not sexy! And they are comfortable!" I thought, Lord, if this is you talking to me, please make it very plain to me. Can you tell that I did not want to make that sacrifice if I didn't have to?
Then, not too long ago, one of the ladies testified about a salesperson remarking that she must be a Christian. I thought to myself, why would she think that? Is it because she is wearing a skirt? Do people really think that way? Does that mean that I don't look like a Christian because I am wearing pants? It bothered me. I even asked my husband how he felt about women in pants. He said he had never really thought much about it.
I remember your husband saying that he had never told you how to dress. You always look so nice and feminine, and I wondered if that was the difference. I had bought your books on the flash drive and had not read them, so I decided to read that book. I sat down and read it straight through. When I finished, I thought, "WOW". The restroom door was the clincher! Oh yes, and the lady who said she wasn't going to let a pair of pants keep her from a blessing! Me neither!
I went online and looked for a pattern (I am a seamstress) for culottes or a divided skirt. I found one I liked, that was out of print (or you could pay $15.00 for one!) I looked on eBay and found the same one, the same size, (just sold!). There was another offer for one for $20.00. "Bummer". Amazon! I prayed that I would be able to find one. There it was, same pattern, right size, $4.75, brand new! The Mailman just delivered it!
The next day, I wore a skirt, and my husband told me I looked nice (he has never been much to compliments). Then, he told me we needed to go shopping and buy me some new clothes! I had my women's Bible Study Fellowship that morning and everyone complimented me on how nice I looked. What was funny, was, that they were all wearing pants and as we stood up to sing, I noticed how all those pants looked from the rear! I told my teacher to call me, that I had something to share with her.
My husband picked me up from the study and took me out to lunch. Then, we went shopping. By this time, I was ready to explode at how I felt inside. I was just bubbling over!
We tried the Goodwill store and found several skirts and two pretty silk, down, jackets. Everything was on sale for 50% off! Then we went to the Salvation Army store and all the clothes were 50% off. I found about 10 really nice skirts, some for church and some for home, and the best thing was a beautiful divided skirt that was well made and must have cost a fortune new.
My teacher called me that afternoon. I told her all that I had told you, and she said, "The Lord is really working in your life. I have never felt convicted about wearing pants, but now we will just have to see…" I cannot believe that such a simple thing was standing between me and a closer walk with the Lord!
Thank you for your book! I just thought it was a matter of personal choice, not a spiritual issue. So, I can't testify about my horribly, sinful past,and how the Lord saved me from it, but I can give them a lot of reasons why I now wear all skirts! [Maryland]
I want to thank you so much for writing the book on Dress. I grew up in a Christian and was taught what was right to wear and what was wrong to wear. It's not just being told to wear this, but why we do certain things. I got saved last Mother's Day and have been searching the scriptures lately about why I dress this way. My mother-in-law has been challenging me on this subject. She doesn't approve of the way that I dress for church, because she would rather wear what the world says is ok for church. Now, when we have this conversation again I know the scriptures to use to help her see why. I praise the Lord for giving you the words and the ability to write such a powerful book. Since I read this book, I have gotten rid of so many clothes, because they don't fit the standard that God has for me as a Christian young lady. I am a mother of two boys (soon to be 4 and 6 months) and I need to start showing them now how a lady should act and dress. My husband has been liking the change that I have been making. He was taught to wear whatever you want and look decent. He's been changing things as well and studying to be a preacher! I thank you so much and give God the glory. (Email)
I thank God for you for writing that book about women's dress. I enjoyed reading, studying, and sharing it with others. That's why I'm praying for God's provision to order maybe 20 of those books to give to some pastors' wives and friends in the Philippines. I started making lessons and messages from that book for the future. I love sharing the Truth. [Missionary wife in California]
After hearing about your Dress book from a church in Michigan, we bought it. We don't have a separate church nearby so have not heard preaching on this topic. However, we absorbed what we learned from this book like a sponge. We have grown as Christians in this area of separation as we learn why we believe what we believe. [Preacher & wife in Maine]
Dear Mrs. Starr, I am currently going to Massillon Baptist College in Ohio. This is my first year. I am in a Christian Life for Ladies class every Tuesday and Thursday. In that class we are going through modesty etc. Our teacher told us we were to read your Dress book. She told us it was the best book she has found for modesty out of the many books she has read. We were told to read the book and then do a detailed timeline.
I want to thank you for writing that book! It has helped me greatly and five other college students! There are even some more college students here who want to purchase the book and read it! The Lord used your book in my life to show me the right way to dress and why. I loved reading your book! It was very down to earth and it all made perfect sense! I cannot begin to thank you enough for it! I just wanted to let you know how much your book has changed lives for the good! Thank you! [College student, Ohio]
(From his August Prayer letter) ... We have been using a booklet that we realized the Dress book was written by Pastor Starr's wife. This book has helped some of our ladies greatly in understanding God's standard of how Christian women should dress. [Pastor in Wyoming]
Dear Bro. & Sis. Starr,
I wanted to write and personally Thank you for writing the Dress book. It is one of (if not) the best books on Biblical Modesty that I have read... and I have read them all. What I find makes this book so effective is 1) It is written by ladies. 2) It deals with the heart of the matter just like it says on the cover. 3) It answers all the questions and deals Biblically with all the excuses. Your book has been most effective in helping women we know to deal with this in their lives. The book makes it easy on the Pastor. I find that I do not have to preach on the subject nor answer any questions from women. I just give them the book. We give this book as a gift to Pastors, Preachers, and Missionaries! We also give it to new converts. My wife uses the studies in the book for lady fellowships and meetings. I would recommend this book to all Pastors of their churches. May the Lord continue to bless this book. [Pastor in Louisiana]
Dear Mrs. Starr, I just had to write and thank you for the book you wrote on dress. In a day and age, when it is rare to see Christian women stand up and take the "high road" in modest apparel, it is refreshing to see a book so clearly written on the subject. My husband and I have for years been doing our best to teach our girls why we wear modest apparel, but this book just made everything so clear that I am now having our 11-year-old daughter read it and I have come up with a list of questions for each chapter to cement the truth in her head. For us, it is important that these convictions become her own so that she will continue them when she has her own family. It grieves me greatly that so many Christian women have taken this issue as the one they will "die for" and are determined NOT to give up their pants! Never have I had such a strong conviction about pants 'til I read your book. When my husband first got convicted, I agreed to not wear them because, for me, my love was greater for him than the pants I wanted to wear. Still, I could never express MY conviction 'til I read your book. What perspective! Thank you! Now, I desire my sons to read this book too as they get older so that they, too, can instruct their wives on why they should be dressed modestly. My only wish is that a dear friend of mine who has decided to NOT listen to my convictions would read this book--you can't argue with it. Thank you again and may God bless you richly. I know this book has blessed me! [Wyoming]
Firstly, I wanted to thank you for the books you and your wife have written. We have carried them in our bookstore for quite some time now. Our Pastor is reviewing “The Head Covering” currently, and I look forward to getting it on our site.[Bookstore Purchasing Agent, Book Heaven/Challenge Press]
Dear Mrs. Starr, Thank you for such a great series on dress and women of the Bible. Your books have been such a blessing to me personally and as a resource for being a pastor's wife. I am currently using Volume 2 and teaching a Helpmeets & Homemakers Bible study in our church. It is hard to find good materials that are KJV and truly base the instruction given from the Word of God! In His Service [Pastor's wife, CT]
We have been in the ministry for 43 years and are now doing missionary work in Eastern Canada, the United States, and the world. We are also evangelizing and doing home conferences. We are looking forward to these books. We have the others you have written. [Missionary Evangelist's wife, AR]
Thank you so much for the books! The greatest book I've read on biblical modesty, this book wonderfully illustrates and teaches from the Bible that the Lord is concerned with appearance! It shows that God's people should be and look like just that--God's people--with what is "holy & acceptable" in God's view! Your Dress book when read can speak to the heart that desires to surrender and submit. But it is only written to women who desire to be ladies of Christlike character. All glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. [Pastor in TX]
Dear Mrs. Starr,
Thank you so much for the tremendous blessing you are to me!! God, in His loving provision, knew that newly saved women would need instruction in finding God's special place and plan for us. And as He lavishes His grace and mercy on me, I learned in your book He even wants to decorate me with beauty, grace, femininity, and all the glory so exclusively reserved for us, that men are forbidden from what is our! If that doesn't make a woman feel special, I don't know what does. Thanks to your willingness to teach others, I have an important part of my walk with God under His control and guidance. Had I not read your Dress book I would either be unwittingly displeasing to God through improper dress, or I would just be following what I thought was man's policy of "church preference," neither of which bring the glory God deserves in my life. Rather, I have learned a truth, decided to submit to it 100%, and best of all, I know WHY I believe it!! My son and daughter-in-law serve the Lord at a church in Oklahoma. They plan to attend the college in that city where a Biblical dress code is enforced. She said she would comply out of obedience to the school policy, but she has no such conviction and would continue to wear pants at home. Someone gave your book to her at the same time someone at my church gave it to me. I drove to see her, praying that God would give me the courage and the right words to explain what I so clearly understood from your book, which I intended to give to her. Lo and behold! I couldn't believe my eyes when she opened the door, your book in her hand and wearing a lovely long skirt! We smiled, hugged, cried, and did all that other girl stuff; and before I left, she handed me a trash sack full of pants and jeans for me to get rid of for her! You made my job easy, and I am eternally grateful! I have 3 more daughters-in-law to work on, so I will buy more of your books. I already know what they are getting for Christmas.[Oklahoma]
Dear sister in Jesus, The Lord has taught me so much. With God's directions from the Holy Bible and your book, Dress-The Heart of the Matter, God has opened my eyes. Please remember me in prayer. God has laid a message on my heart for the young girls at our church. I would like to have 10 more copies on hand for my sisters in the Lord here. Thank you! God bless you! [Pennsylvania]
Your Dress book is excellent. It is a perfect combination of boldness and meekness and doesn't stray from "Thus saith the Lord" to opinions. I wholeheartedly recommend this book and would suggest that every Pastor keep several copies on hand. What a help it is to me! [Pastor in Virginia]
I enjoyed your book on dress standards. You know, when I joined the Army, I had some trouble with the uniform, which is men's apparel. ... Wearing a man's uniform changes something in a woman's thought and behavior patterns...There was a difference in the way I moved and spoke a certain harshness, it seemed to me. The toughness was troubling because I wanted the softness and gentleness of a godly lady, not the toughness that comes from competing in a man's job. It seems strange that what we wear and how we behave impact what is inside us, just like what is inside us impacts what we wear and how we behave, but it does go both ways. It's difficult to maintain a "meek and quiet spirit" when you are dressing and living like a man. [Germany]
Dear Mrs. Starr and Mrs. Waltemyer,
I am writing to tell you how God has changed me regarding dress and how your book played a part in my decision. (She tells the story for 2 pages.) I thank you both for writing this book because God used it to convict me about my dress. I now wear a skirt or culottes all the time. I have gotten rid of my pants and I have ordered patterns for culottes from one of the addresses you suggested. Thank you so much! [Pennsylvania]
Thank you,
In this card we would like to say, Thank you for leading us to the right way. You showed us how we should dress the best for our King and nothing less! [Pennsylvania]
Dear Brethren,
Thank you for the books. We plan to carry them in the Camp bookstore as I travel this year. Praise the Lord. thank you Mrs. Starr for your work and labor of love for us.[Iowa]
Reviews by Earlyne Stephens and Jennifer Petticoffer of The Baptist Magazine, Longview TX July/August 2004
Shirley M. Starr has written a delightful book on the much-needed subject “How Christian Ladies Should Dress.” They cover the fact that we should be separated from the world and not keep up with the world in the matter of our attire. Our goal should be to glorify God in our lives. How better can we do this than in what we wear (our first impression). I certainly recommend this book for all Christian ladies, not only for themselves but to train their daughters while they are young to dress modestly and to have their convictions about their dress. [Earlyne Stephens]
I am excited to see a new, clearly written, biblical book on modesty. Dress. the Heart of the Matter does more than give rules for Christian apparel. It begins with a chapter on the history of clothing in light of world history. The chapters are brief and to the point, explaining separation, modesty, identification, surrender, and other vital topics. The book would be excellent for a teen or adult ladies' Bible class, since there are Scriptures and suggested assignments at the end of each chapter. If you are a pastor’s wife, church leader, or mother of daughters – this book should be part of your reference library. [Jennifer Petticoffer]
Dear Mrs. Starr & Mrs. Waltemyer,
Thank you for your book, Dress-The Heart of the Matter. A friend let me borrow your book—we have three daughters. We decided that they should begin wearing dresses daily… I have been wearing dresses only for almost four years and God has blessed me… Pray for us. [Indiana]
Dear Mrs. Starr,
I picked your book up at a Home Schooling Convention this year (Dress-A Reflection of the Heart). I wanted to tell you how delighted I was with it. I have been struggling with wearing pants vs. dresses for 20 years. I first heard of the concept 20 years ago in New Orleans. I had been told some of the verses, but no one ever went into detail like your book does. I would ask people why and what difference it made and no one seemed to know. I don’t think people who wear dresses all the time know why they do so. I wish these concepts were taught as well as it is explained in your book. I now think I can finally work it out in my mind to please the Lord in my dress. Thank you for writing such a great book.[Kentucky]
Dear Ladies,
Someone lent me your Dress book, and I learned a lot. The Lord convicted my heart of some things. We have three daughters and are trying to raise them to dress to please the Lord and not the world. So I’d like to order a copy for myself. [Pennsylvania]
Dear Shirley and Lori,
Thank you for your Dress book. It has helped me to finally realize what God’s will is for me. (3 page letter) May God bless you as you continue to teach and reach out to women who greatly need this teaching! [Pennsylvania]
Good Morning Shirley!!
I am going to send [the Director of their mission board] a copy of the book and ask him to read it and I am going to tell him that it is just the book and just the time to send it to all of our missionaries… It is a very good book and was written in a very good way. You and Lori are to be commended. I am so glad that I happened to [find it]. [Brazil]
Dear Mt. Zion Friends,
My heart was so blessed and encouraged to read Shirley Starr’s book on dress within the past year. I gave my copy away and would like to get a couple more… Thanks so much…may God bless you. [Pennsylvania]
Dear Sister in Christ,
Hi! I have been struggling with this issue of “dress” for about 2 years. I guess you can call me stubborn… Our pastor’s wife gave me your book to read. Wow, what timely help I needed. I have heard and used some of those excuses myself. Yes, I want to surrender completely to Christ, not just some. I ask you to please pray for me. [unknown location]
RE: Women of the Bible, series We have all of the Women of the Bible series and my wife is planning to teach them to the ladies in our Bible College sometime next year. They are very well done and enjoyable. Thanks for the hard work that was put into them. [Kenya]
Dear Mrs. Starr,
The series of books on "The Women of the Bible" are some of the most practical teaching books I've ever seen. They have been a real encouragement to me personally as I was praying for something to teach the women of our Arabic church. What I love about these books is that they deal with the everyday struggles that women go through. They also show us the consequences of the choices we make during these struggles. These books have been a motivation for the women of our church to live a Godly and submissive life. I feel that these books can be used to teach women in any culture because they are based on biblical principles that should guide all of our lives. Thank you Mrs. Starr for taking the time and effort in writing these books. I wanted you to know that your effort was not in vain. [Pastor's wife, California]
Hi Shirley,
I took your last book with me and reread your second one. The last issue was a gift from a friend and it was great. It inspires you to do your best as a woman. I love how you bring the women of the Bible to life and how you can relate to them. It was a real blessing to me. You are doing a GREAT job. [Ohio]
Dear Shirley,
Thank you for sending your books. I know with little encouragement, the books will sell very rapidly. I will be pushing them at Family Camp. Also, I plan to carry them from the bookstore as I travel this year. I was so excited when [my friend in Wisconsin] showed it to me. I remember [another friend from Kansas] referring to your teaching material and how good it is. I was thrilled when I saw the book in print. Praise the Lord. Thank you Mrs. Starr for your work and labor of love for us. [Iowa]
Mrs. Starr,
I talked with you on the phone today about the wonderful book I’m reading. I’m so glad you’ve written additional volumes. I’d like a copy of all of your books. Thank you very much. I’ve gotten a blessing from volume 1 and have been wanting to call and get more books. You’ve got rich nuggets about the women. [Indiana]
Dear Shirley Starr,
When I was at the CHAP Homeschooling Fair, I picked up your book, Women in the Bible, volume 3 Helpless & Hurting. I just finished it this week. I’m writing to let you know it was a comfort as I’m in the midst of a trial that is causing me to faint. I can tell by your writings that you have a heart for hurting women. Please pray for my situation. I will be praying for your book ministry. [Pennsylvania]
Your book on Clouds came at just the right time. Our family has been going through a trial. I've started reading it through for the second time. Thank you. [Missionary's wife, OH]
Dear Mrs. Starr,
I am writing this with a heart of gratitude for your book, Clouds of Adversity, Valleys of Despair. You spoke about encouragement in one chapter and mentioned that sometimes the encouragement comes from people who do not know about the problem. Even though you do not know the details and situation, you have been an encouragement to me through the book... It was a help as I was almost to the point of giving up...There are still difficult roads ahead (on my field as I return), but I am trusting completely in the Lord. Thank you once against for being a blessing! [Missionary-MX]
God has been so good [in our church planting ministry] to send encouragement just when we need it most. I am reading your new book, Clouds, now--very timely! I have been going through the same kind of depression you experienced. ...the Lord has been teaching me much these past few months. I am so grateful for those He has placed in my path to help me through this... Thank you again for your support and prayers. [Pastor's wife]
This booklet provides a much-needed documented answer and remedy for three major evil cult-oriented practices that are becoming common in America today. The book carefully defines each practice, with documented historical facts that underpin the sad facts. The author delineates "eight powerful arguments" for avoidance of these actions, as well as two insightful appendices based on Scripture to help individuals overcome these unwholesome practices.
Thank you for sending Why We Use the King James Bible. I am a die-hard KJ person and often am ridiculed for being stubborn and narrow-minded, but I don't care what they call me for my convictions. I got saved and got my first KJB at age 8. I've memorized so much of it. This book will be very helpful in defending my convictions. Thank you so much.
This book is such a blessing to me. It seems like every day is exactly what I need. Today it was about having a merry heart. I was just having my devotions and having a "blue" day. What a blessing! Again, it reminded me of what I need to focus on today. I have resolved to change my thinking today and determine to have a merry heart. Pastor's wife, Missouri
Thank you!! These books have already been a blessing!!! I started on the daily devotional book, The Place, last night, I couldn’t wait to get started!! And I read two chapters of the Men of the Bible, v. 1, Profiles in Genesis book. I plan to use these books in our deaf ministry and deaf Sunday school class at church. Very well written and easy to read books. Thank you again!!