We are in a battle for our children. Satan remains on the prowl seeking to divide, devour, and destroy families. Our children are the hope of tomorrow, the ones who will be the preachers, teachers, missionaries, and faithful members of Bible-believing churches. However, if we are unable to gain our children’s hearts, they will be easy prey for Satan to allure them away from God’s plan for their lives.
Remember the phrase, “Simple is best?” Parents must rediscover simple ways to capture their children’s hearts. Shirley has sought to arrange simple Biblical principles in an alphabetical format that includes practical challenges, such as: accepting, disciplining, guiding, instructing, teaching, motivating, etc.
You can be successful and win your child’s heart as you turn back to the simple principles found in God’s Word. Begin this refresher course today on: Practical Parenting.
This book retails for $3.71. Buy today !!
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