In our travels across the United States and other international countries, we are seeing more and more instances of caregiving. People are suddenly thrust into a role they never dreamed of filling, creating fear, uncertainty, anxiety, and stress in their lives. They are determined to care for their loved one, but often lack encouragement along the way.
The first section of this book contains thirty short devotional thoughts from God’s Word and poems to provide encouragement for you, the caregiver, through the greatest Resource, God’s Word. The second section of the book contains personal testimonies from other caregivers. No one understands like another caregiver! This book is from my heart to yours and published with prayers that it will be a great comfort and encouragement to you, the caregiver! May it be a resource you are able to refer to again and again. Give one as a gift!
This book retails for $5.81. Buy today !!
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7/14/20 We received your books Friday. Thank you so much. I started reading the caregiver book this morning during my devotions. I cried through the first devotional. Wow is this book needed for so many who are struggling. I know I needed it more than you realize. Love you Shirley. (Pastor's wife who is a caregiver, TX)
7/7/20 I just finished Comfort for the Caregiver. There were times I just wept at God's Words. The story of Louis Rolek and Joan was very moving. I kept a hanky nearby. You should advise everyone that reads it to prepare. The book was a blessing and had many golden nuggets. (Man in PA)