A Complete Home Study Course with Questions (209 pp.)
This series, originally given in Manila, Philippines, contains well-outlined studies on major doctrinal topics. Each lesson is divided into sections and ends with thought-provoking questions.
As with any book of this magnitude in scope, SP does not endorse all that is stated. But if I had to reduce my library to 10 books, this would be one of them. It's that helpful! It took me several years to find and negotiate a contract to reprint this amazing book. We are the only publisher in USA or Canada to have these reprinting rights.
Make sure you have a copy in your library. If you want to ground your class or church in foundational doctrines, buy each student a copy to put a resource in their hands that will be a ready reference for years to come.
This ring-bound, letter-size volume makes home study or class teaching so easy as it lays flat with each chapter's 2 pages of teaching face-up. (see pic) (Because of the size and weight of this product, it normally ships media mail, which takes 2-3 extra days.)
This great resource sells for over $100 now on Amazon and about $25 used. At Starr Publications, you can buy it new for the regular price of only $23.40. Order today !!
5/2020 I just wanted to thank you for the rich study book reprinted by Alban Douglas, 100 Bible Lessons. It is everything you said and more. I am using it for our Family devotions. Thank you again. (Church member, PA)