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225 pages, 23 chapters, 8 1/4″ X 5 1/2″, is a spiritual and extremely practical book. Dr. Terry Coomer takes us back to the Bible for training our children to grow up and serve God. This is a must read for every Christian parent who is serious about their children and family walking with God. This book takes you through all the important steps that are neglected today and will help every parent know how to be successful in rearing spiritual children to grow up and serve the Saviour. The forward by Missionary to the Philippines, Pastor Dan Tessin says: “The reason Dr. Coomer’s teachings are so helpful is three-fold: First, and most importantly, they are rooted and based on God’s Word. Only God’s Word can truly change a life. The second reason why this book is an excellent resource for the family is because Dr. Coomer and his wife Kim have successfully raised two daughters using the Bible as their standard for the home. Both of Dr. Coomer’s daughters have married godly men and are now active in Christian service. Thirdly, Dr. Coomer has had thirty years of ministry experience of pastoring in five fundamental churches. He has seen and dealt with many family situations over the years. This experience has aided greatly in preparing him to be of help to today’s family. Praise the Lord for raising up a man to write a book which leads us in how to rear up spiritual children to serve The Saviour.”
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