What does it take to be a faithful and fruitful woman for the Lord? Come along with me as we take a journey into the lives of eleven Bible ladies. We will discover the character traits they possessed which allowed them to produce fruit during difficult circumstances in their own lives.
How did a harlot trust in the Lord and save her whole family from destruction? Who fulfilled the role of a traitor and a heroine? What young widow found romance a second time around? How did two sisters face a death in the family? Who was the first woman to see the resurrected Christ? Which ladies managed their businesses?
Allow your spirit to be edified and your heart to be encouraged as you read and meditate on these jewels of the past. Sit down – grab a cup of tea – and enjoy volume 2 of Women of the Bible – Faithful & Fruitful.
This volume includes studies on: Rahab, Jael, Ruth, Mary & Martha, Mary Magdalene, Dorcas, Rhoda, Lydia, Priscilla, and Phebe.
Retails for $5.54. Buy today !!
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